Manage Server Hard Disk Using PHP

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PHP provides some sweet functions to manage the server's hard disk. Here's how to use them.


Copies a file from a source file.

$result = copy('original.txt','new.txt');


Returns the number of bytes remaining on the disk.

$free_space = disk_free_space('/');


Returns the size of the disk in bytes.

$total_space = disk_total_space('/');


Confirms whether or not a file exists.

$exists = file_exists('rubbish.php');


Deletes a file from the disk.

$file = 'rub.txt';

For more information on file-specific functions, read Basic PHP File Handling — Create, Open, Read, Write, Append, Close, and Delete.

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  1. Mittul Chauhan

    i didnt know that ..

    thanx for sharing

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