Legacy String Methods for Generating HTML

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I'm always really excited to see new methods on JavaScript primitives. These additions are acknowledgement that the language needs to evolve and that we're doing exciting new things. That being said, I somehow just discovered some legacy String methods that you probably shouldn't use but have existed forever. Let's take a look!

These legacy string methods take a basic string of text and wrap it in a HTML tag of the same name:

"Hello".big() // "<big>Hello</big>"
"Hello".blink() // "<blink>Hello</blink>"
"Hello".bold() // "<b>Hello</b>"
"Hello".italics() // "<i>Hello</i>"
"Hello".link("https://davidwalsh.name") // "<a href="https://davidwalsh.name">Hello</a>"

Native prototypes don't usually remove methods and for good reason -- they can break websites! I'm shocked I didn't know about these methods before today. It's always fun to see relics of the web past though!

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