Learning Paths by O’Reilly

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Each developer learns a given skill in their own way.  Some developers prefer blog posts, others prefer to just dive into code, many rely on books, some on conferences, others on screencasts, and of course we all mix and match those methods to what we like.  One learning method picking up steam is the video course.  And since O'Reilly offers tech learning in my initial list, they've introduced video learning to comprehensively teach loads of topics including:

O'Reilly has prepared hundreds of hours of video guides for the launch and they encompass many different topics, from specific languages to tools like git and onto more abstract ideas like Hadoop and Sysadmin skills.  The courses are also broken up and organized into segments so that you can piece away at a given skill when you have the time.

I look forward to jumping into a few of these this upcoming weekend, specifically the git course (since git is powerful but I only know just enough to get by) and Networking courses (since I'd like to know how I can use networking skills to increase the performance of this blog).

I'm excited that O'Reilly has launched video learning via Learning Paths as I know many people learn best via video.  I get requests for video learning on this blog but I can't compete with the quality coming from O'Reilly and their teachers, many of whom have written industry-leading books for O'Reilly.

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