Weekend Links – JsonSQL, Sun / MySQL, Digg Comments, Firefox RAM Usage, Facebook Animations

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JsonSQL allows you to user query syntax to get information from Json.


Sun Acquires MySQL

Sun, lords of Java, have purchased MySQL, the free database. A very interesting partnership.


Digg: Your Feedback on the New Comments System

Since Digg implemented their last comment system, users have been ripping the site. Unfair criticism or not, it looks as though Digg is taking user complaints to heart and they've created a new comment system.


The Internet Party: What Happens When Google's Parents Leave Town for the Weekend

This is an awesome take on what the big internet factions would be like at a party. Facebook, MySpace, Digg...they're all at the party. It's quite a funny video and it's very true. Beware of bad language.


Control Your Firefox RAM Usage

We all know that Firefox's major downfall is that it's a memory hog. This tip may help.


Facebook Animations For All

Facebook has beefed up its JavaScript API to allow programmers to create animations. Awesome!


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Incredible Demos

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