Insert Cursor at Any Position at Command Line

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As much as I enjoy writing lengthy pieces of JavaScript APIs, techniques, and other tech brilliance, I very much enjoy providing people quick tips to make their daily dev lives better. This is one such post.

Oftentimes I'm working with long command line directives, and as you can imagine, I usually screw up the spelling of a command. Despite being in the industry forever, I didn't know you could click your way to the character position of the problem; I simply held the left or right arrow keys like an absolute caveman.

Did you get to the specific character in the command, you can simply Option-click the character in the command line!

This isn't even clever, I was just to lazy to ever look it up. Huh. Well, now I know, and so do you!

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  1. Aaron

    Found this via feedly. Very useful. I didn’t except it would work while ssh’d into a server running gnu screen, either. Saved me tones of time…

  2. This is a very helpful tip! using the arrow keys sucks especially when you are trying to get to the beginning of a long command.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!