Increase PHP’s File Upload Limit Using php.ini

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The file upload size limit is usually set pretty low by shared hosting providers. Why? To save bandwidth, keep the server moving quickly, and think about it -- how many customers really need a large upload limit? If you do need to increase the maximum upload limit, all you need to do is place the following code snippet in your php.ini file:

file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 10M //needs to be in {x}M format

Note that not all hosting providers allow customers to increase the file upload limit. Take that into consideration when purchasing your customer's web hosting.

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  1. Thanks, I’m trying to figure out how to make it so music can be played on my blog as soon as others click on. Thanks for the updates.

  2. or just use:

    that will allow uploads and set maximum size to 500mb

  3. Bakiyaraj

    Sorry it is not working… When i changed this, after executing in IE, it throws a javascript error with restriction of 8MB. and in mozilla and chrome, it restricts 2MB file.. help me

  4. Maybe another solution would be with a .htaccess file with something like:

    php_value memory_limit 36M
    php_value post_max_size 36M
    php_value upload_max_filesize 32M

  5. Litos

    Hey Rafael,
    I have no idea how to locate the php.ini file. Is this in my local hard drive? I use a macbook Pro. No luck so far. Can you please help out a noob? thanks in advance :)

  6. Kagan Kayal

    If you increase the upload_max_filesize parameter in php.ini, you have to increase the maximum size of POST data as well. That includes the file upload and other form data. The parameter name is post_max_size.

  7. is there any limit in upload_max_filesize ? i mean 64M or 128M etc

  8. You say php_value memory_limit 36M and post_max_size 36M, it’s ok but upload max filesize 32M. Good I Think It’s Better System.

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