How to Install a NPM Module from GitHub Branch
In my journey to work more quickly with a project containing loads of dependencies, I've come across a few techniques I've not needed to use before. I previously wrote about How to Push to a Git Remote Branch of a Different Name -- this time we'll talk about installing a module from another repository instead of a published version.
To install a module from a GitHub branch instead of a tagged and published NPM module, simply reference the username, repository, and branch name:
"dependencies": {
"eth-ledger-bridge-keyring": "darkwing/eth-ledger-bridge-keyring#work-in-progress",
This pattern is useful for a host of reasons, especially when trying to rapidly develop from local branches. Feel free to leave off the branch name if you just want to use master
![fetch API]()
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, as in -moz-element
) and the JS format (navigator.mozApps
). The awesome X-Tag project has...