Poll Follow Up: How Many Domains Do You Own?

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It was interesting to see how many domains you all had. I'm a serial domain buyer. Ever since I bought my first domain, DWIZZLE.COM (which I stupidly let go), I loved the power that it gave. Apparently many of you agreed:

The Count

Number of DomainsPercentageVotes
1-332%143 votes
4-726%118 votes
10-2013%56 votes
7-1012%55 votes
More Than 2012%53 votes
05%22 votes

Here's an honest rundown of my domains:

  • 305JIVE.COM - I lived with friends at a house who's address was 305. And we talk a lot of smack. So the 305 Jive it was.
  • ABROKENARROW.COM - An awesome Rod Stewart song.
  • BLUDICE.COM - This was my blog's original domain.
  • CONCERT-FLASHING.COM - Not embarassed by this at all -- I've been trying to sell it for a few years now and no one is biting.
  • DAVID-WALSH.COM - I'd like this to be my main domain but it's too late.
  • DAVIDWALSH.NAME - You figure this out....
  • DEVGODS.COM - This was a bright idea that never took.
  • GETTINITSTARTED.COM - I used to have a portal for my friends here, but then this little startup called Facebook got popularity.
  • IFRAGGEDYOU.COM - I just love this one and what it stands for. I used to be a badass Call of Duty 2 hitman and I'd take screenshots of people I smoked.
  • MCFARLAND-FIRE.COM - My little bro's soccer team's website.
  • SCRIPTANDSTYLE.COM - Where you can become a better designer and developer.
  • WYNQ.COM - The domain for my freelance business, Wynq Web Labs.

A good domain name is golden. Too bad there are scores of domain squatters preventing some potentially huge sites from lifting off.

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  1. I have a whole bunch sitting waiting to be used for projects. You know how it is.. you’ll get round to it next week, next month.. sometimes I feel like a squatter! But once you have a good idea sometimes you just have to grab it ;)

  2. @Tom: Amen. And if it wasn’t someone else squatting it, I know I would!

  3. Josh

    I had around 700 domain names at one time, Now I have around 190 domain names, have let lots drop because of the recession. Have development plans but 1 person and not enough time

  4. 700? Holy crap!

  5. i had about 4 domains registered which i never used and 6 others which i used. I personally like to register all domain names related to my products!

  6. rakesh juyal

    m having just One!

  7. .info domains make it much easier to own a lot of domains ;)

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