GWT Ext 2.0 Released…and It’s Stupid! (Cool)

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Version 2 of GWT Ext has been released and it's insane! The collection of form, table, and numerous other controls are absolutely memorizing. Even if you have your framework picked out or even if you don't care about JavaScript, check out the GWT Ext demo -- it's amazing!

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  1. Jay

    Interesting…I wonder if it plays nice with jquery…

  2. Thanks for the post!

    Jay, yes, it plays nice with jQuery

    • Does this work with Jquery??? . I am working with something at the moment and I dont understand how it can. GWT is Java based, and outputs html, but I dont know how I can use it with Jquery. All I want to do is add a lightbox effect to links. An on click event, maybe with jquery live. Any help greatly appreciated.

  3. looks really great!
    ExtJs + jQuery = coolio!


  4. Almas

    How much it costs?

  5. @Almas: $0.00. Free. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Gratis.

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