(Ab)Using Google To Find Free MP3 Files
I'm not one for posting hacks to illegally attain warez, mp3s, and eBooks, but a coworker showed this to me and I wanted to share it.
You can find MP3s using Google's advanced search capabilities. Say you're looking for some great Rod Stewart music. You'd go to Google and type:
intitle:index.of +?last modified? +?parent directory? +(mp3|wma|ogg) +"rod stewart" -htm -html -php -asp
Simply change the artist name and you can grab mp3s per the artist of your choice in directory listing format on numerous sites around the web!
![Convert XML to JSON with JavaScript]()
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I've been working on a super top secret mobile application using Appcelerator Titanium. The experience has been great: using JavaScript to create easy to write, easy to test, native mobile apps has been fun. My...
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Chances are that any Web designers using our Ghostlab browser testing app, which allows seamless testing across all devices simultaneously, will have worked with responsive design in some shape or form. And as today's websites and devices become ever more varied, a plethora of responsive images...
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Overflow with text is always a big issue, especially in a programmatic environment. There's always only so much space but variable content to add into that space. I was recently working on a table for displaying user information and noticed that longer strings were...
![Cross Browser CSS Box Shadows]()
Box shadows have been used on the web for quite a while, but they weren't created with CSS -- we needed to utilize some Photoshop game to create them. For someone with no design talent, a.k.a me, the need to use Photoshop sucked. Just because we...