Weekend Links – Good Web Design, CSS Working Group, Body ID, IE8 Acid2, DOMAssistant 2.5, Google Analytics, Wii Opera SDK

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9 Essential Principals For Good Web Design

PSDTuts has authored an article every Web Designer should read.


CSS Unworking Group

Andy Clarke's not happy with the CSS Working Group and has called for them to be disbanded.


ID Your Body For Greater CSS Control and Specificity

Adding an ID attribute to an HTML document's body can allow more CSS control.


IE8 Passes Acid2 Test, Web Standards Project Dies of Shock

In other news, hell has frozen over and Windows has gone open source...


DOMAssistant 2.5 Released

Another framework with an outstanding new release.



mapper.js allows you to highlight specific areas on an image map.


Wii Opera SDK

A Wii SDK has been created, so now your website can support video game consoles.


New Google Analytics API / DataSource

This CakePHP class allows you to connect to Google Analytics and retrieve your account's information.


Recent Features

Incredible Demos

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!