Giveaway: 2 Free Tickets to Velocity Conference in NY

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Velocity Conference

O'Reilly's Velocity Conference is quickly approaching -- it's September 15-17 in beautiful New York. As a follow up to last month's post, I wanted to make sure people knew I had 2 more tickets left to give away to this epic front-end performance conference!

If you're hoping to win a free ticket to Velocity NY, please post a comment below citing your favorite client-side performance testing tool. Winner will be selected tomorrow!

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  1. My favourite client side performance testing tool is GTMetrix a web based performance tester. Link:


  3. I use mocha, I especially started using mocha with co and –harmony:

    • Oops I read that as testing tool. I use jsperf for quick tests and devtools for anything heavier

  4. David K

    Profiling in the Google Chrome Console mixed with PageSpeed Insights are really useful for performance testing.

  5. For testing I use the Chrome Dev Tools and a gulp task PageSpeedTest

    I live in NYC area and I really want to go to this event… And I would be happy to share a blog post talking about the event…

  6. John Holt Ripley

    People. You can’t beat the frustration of a potential user in the testing phase to motivate you to make things faster.

  7. Chrome Dev Tools and New Relic

  8. Chrome’s Dev Tools primarily.

  9. Hey David,
    My favourite client side performance testing tools are
    1- Chrome Dev Tools
    2- Gtmetrix
    3- Pingdom (to some extent)
    4- & sometimes New Relic helps a lot.

  10. R

    Chrome Developer Tools is the best without any doubts

  11. I do not have a favorite tool as I am new to the testing and DevOps world. I would greatly benefit from the tickets by jump starting my learning as I am already passionate about learning these skills. Please help a developer discover the way! I will return the favor!

  12. Silas

    I use Chrome dev tools

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!