Game of Thrones Snapchat Filter

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Game of Thrones Snapchat Filter Icon

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I'm a massive Game of Thrones fan.   I may not know every name but my mind has a mental map of every angle and epic battle. Not since Sopranos has there been a television show that's more than a new episode, it's a major event. What an incredible show.

At the start of this past season, the Game of Thrones / HBO marketing team had a brilliant idea:  release a Game of Thrones Snapchat filter.  The filter is amazing!

Front-facing Camera

When using the front-facing camera, snow flies across the screen and a white walker appears behind the subject of the photo! You can drag your finger to slingshot a dragonglass dagger to kill the white walker as well!

Oh no Ringo!  Run!

Back-facing Camera

The back-facing camera is even more impressive:  snow flies across the screen, your eyes turn blue, and opening your mouth makes a cold breeze fly out!

You can also record video with the filter:

Getting the Game of Thrones Snapchat Filter

There are two ways to get the Game of Thrones Snapchat Filter:

  • In your mobile browser, tap this link.
  • Open your Snapchat app and snap a picture of this image:

It's important to note this filter will only last for one hour; you'll need to grab the filter again once it expires.

I look forward to creating my own Snapchat filter in the future, if only to figure out how it's done.  Happy snapping!

Note:  I know this is a tech blog and the tech involved in this post is not the main feature, but I keep needing to look for this and, much like tech, my blog is the easiest place to find it.

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