Recent Features
Serving Fonts from CDN
For maximum performance, we all know we must put our assets on CDN (another domain). Along with those assets are custom web fonts. Unfortunately custom web fonts via CDN (or any cross-domain font request) don't work in Firefox or Internet Explorer (correctly so, by spec) though...
39 Shirts – Leaving Mozilla
In 2001 I had just graduated from a small town high school and headed off to a small town college. I found myself in the quaint computer lab where the substandard computers featured two browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla. It was this lab where I fell...
Incredible Demos
RealTime Stock Quotes with MooTools Request.Stocks and YQL
It goes without saying but MooTools' inheritance pattern allows for creation of small, simple classes that possess immense power. One example of that power is a class that inherits from Request, Request.JSON, and Request.JSONP: Request.Stocks. Created by Enrique Erne, this great MooTools class acts as...
Image Manipulation with PHP and the GD Library
Yeah, I'm a Photoshop wizard. I rock the selection tool. I crop like a farmer. I dominate the bucket tool. Hell, I even went as far as wielding the wizard wand selection tool once. ...OK I'm rubbish when it comes to Photoshop.