What Would You Like From Your Framework?
We all have our JavaScript frameworks of choice and one or two we can pick up when we need to. Unfortunately, not all of them have a certain plugin or functionality that another one has. My question to you is:
What's your favorite framework and which functionality, from another framework, would you like added to your framework?
It could be a plugin. It could be a syntax style. I'd love to hear what you would like added to your favorite framework. And who knows? Maybe another reader can point you to an existing plugin.
![Convert XML to JSON with JavaScript]()
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I've been working on a super top secret mobile application using Appcelerator Titanium. The experience has been great: using JavaScript to create easy to write, easy to test, native mobile apps has been fun. My...
![CSS vs. JS Animation: Which is Faster?]()
How is it possible that JavaScript-based animation has secretly always been as fast — or faster — than CSS transitions? And, how is it possible that Adobe and Google consistently release media-rich mobile sites that rival the performance of native apps?
This article serves as a point-by-point...
![MooTools Gone Wild: Element Flashing]()
If you're like me and lay awake in bed at night, you've flipped on the TV and seen the commercials: misguided, attention-starved college girls fueled by alcohol ruining their futures by flashing lame camera-men on Spring Break. Why do they do it? Attention...
![MooTools: Set Style Per Media]()
I'd bet one of the most used MooTools methods is the setStyle()
method, which allows you to set CSS style declarations for an element. One of the limitations of MooTools' setStyle()
method is that it sets the specific style for all medias.
I’ll go first. I’d like for MooTools to implement a function that duplicates jQuery’s “selectables” plugin:
After selecting the elements using your mouse, you could manipulate them much like when you use $$().
I’m not aware of a MooTools plugin like this. It’s something I may look at in the future.
What do you think?
I’m with jQuery. For most stuff it’s just PERFECT. The main problem is with animations of big documents. As far as i know, MooTools make a better job with this kind of documents.
So, i need the Moo performance into jQuery :P
I am with MooTools, however I admit that the selectable plugin is neat.
I’ve started to use Mootools 1.2 however it isn’t supported by my IDE, Aptana. So for me, I guess I need the same level of support as JQuery has in my development tools. Yes, I realize this isn’t a feature of either framework, however, ease of development does heavily influence the choice.
Im a MooToolian and I love it, fast, logical. Don’t think there anything I miss from MochiKit, and I haven’t experienced anything in Prototype, YUI or jQuery that I would particularly want to make part of MooTools. Recently had to work on a project with jQuery and I only came away thankful that MooTools is so easy!
Im a mootools fan :) YIPPEE
ahem – I would love however the ability to hotspot or tag people, items, places in images and I just cant find anything or anyone who has done this with moo yet :(
I generally choose the framework dependent on what it can achieve in terms of the site i’m publishing… I have ended up with JQUERY a lot of the time simply because fo the variety of scripts already published for it. I would like to see the teams of all 4 of the most popular frameworks hot desk for a while. See if they can at least eliminate one of them as the overlap is ridiculous.
Basically I’m not a programmer and want lots of pre-built annotated samples to plunder to shrink my development time.
i’m a Mootools user, like stated before I would also like to see the selectable plugin.
I would also like to respond to the comment of
This is possible in Aptana, you have to add the support manually If I’m not mistaking.. Aptana supports 1.1 by default.. but you can add support for 1.2 ;-) checkout the forums to see how to do this :)
Thanks Erhan I’ll try to find that info on the Aptana forums. I found some info about building a library/plugin and started to wade through all the bits and pieces. It looks to be a bit more than I can do by myself.
I understand that Aptana supports Mootools 1.1 but why would I program to an old standard if I don’t have to? It is good they do support it for the folks that have to continue to use 1.1 and can’t migrate just yet. But come on, Mootools 1.2.1 is out and sounds like new stuff is already in the works.
I guess it comes down to Aptana folks prefer and support the latest versions of other frameworks and that makes me question if Mootools isn’t really the way to go. Do Mootools developers use other IDE tools that I should know about?
dwight I’ll get back to you tonight, I’ll help you out on how to support 1.2..
I have no clue if other developers use an other IDE, but personally I have tested several sotfware and which Aptana comes out the best..
their new cloud service is awesome =]
I’m missing great and well documented xml support. Nowadays mootools doesn’t do anything standard with xml and it would be great when they do in the future.