Following MooTools on Twitter

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A while back I posted links to various official and unofficial websites that would keep you up to date on the MooTools project. Here are a bunch of Twitter-related links that will get you even closer to the project.

MooTools Devs & Contributors

Automated Accounts

Many of the accounts above are tweeted to often so if you follow MooTools you should follow the developers above.

Recent Features

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    7 Essential JavaScript Functions

    I remember the early days of JavaScript where you needed a simple function for just about everything because the browser vendors implemented features differently, and not just edge features, basic features, like addEventListener and attachEvent.  Times have changed but there are still a few functions each developer should...

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    Page Visibility API

    One event that's always been lacking within the document is a signal for when the user is looking at a given tab, or another tab. When does the user switch off our site to look at something else? When do they come back?

Incredible Demos


  1. Thanks for share!

  2. Oh, that’s why so many people started following me today.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!