Firefox OS Phone Unboxing

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I may work at Mozilla but I was just as giddy as anyone to get my Firefox OS device.  I was able get one of the first test driver phones last year but there's something special about getting a finished (well, launch) product.  Here are a few photos of my joyous unboxing of the Firefox OS Keon.

Firefox OS Phone

Firefox OS Phone

Firefox OS Phone

Firefox OS Phone

Firefox OS Phone

Firefox OS Phone

While some will tell you Firefox OS doesn't matter due to the strength of Apple and Android, I find that thought very short-sided and wrong.  Firefox OS will change many lives in countries where advanced smartphones are too expensive for much of the population.  I can't wait to see Firefox OS prove the doubters wrong, the same way Firefox did so many years ago.

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  1. Mahdi

    Congratulations! You gotta be enjoying that!

    I really would like to buy one, too, but not sure if it has arrived in my country ( Iran ) yet.

  2. Alexander

    So funny seeing the reflection of your iPhone in the screen of the Firefox OS phone :D

  3. David

    I love that you’re taking photos of your Firefox OS phone with an iPhone.

    • Can’t take a photo a phone with the same phone… :)

  4. YES! nothing like a phone having a removable battery! means you can just replace the battery and not the phone!

    love the orange too

  5. Vuong Hoang

    woa, I really want to have one, too.

  6. Ricardo Mesquita

    Since you cant put firefox on, why on all the world you used an iphone to grab those snapshots?!

  7. enjoy buddy…..
    call you to girl friend to check the battery backup…

  8. Do you mind me asking how much a FirefoxOS phone goes for? Are they able to work with pretty much any cell carrier?

    • You’d have to check the Geeksphone website — mine was provided by Mozilla.

  9. I agree with your post conclusion it is fantastic to see something affordable being offered to the rest of the public.

    If it is anything like Firefox I am sure it will be success.

    thank you for sharing David and all the very best to devphone Mozilla community.

  10. MaMaL

    Wish you were here.. :'( @Keon

  11. And here it is – in action –

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!