Weekend Links – Facebook Instant Messenger, Developer’s Work Environment, CSS Lists, MooTools Snippely, Regular Expressions

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Facebook To Launch Instant Messaging Service

I think Facebook IM could take a huge chunk of AOL's IM users, especially the younger crowd. AOL really has nothing to integrate with, while integrating Facebook IM with their profiles service could be extremely useful. Leaving AIM wont break my heart.



Creating a Great Workplace For Developers

This place sounds like an awesome place to work. A four day week sounds great to me! So does sending employees to top conferences! Make sure to read the comments here too.


The Amazing LI: Using CSS and Unordered Lists

I've made it clear that I think that oftentimes lists are used when they don't need to be. Why use a bunch of UL/LI code when you can simply use CSS' "display:block;"? I don't get it.


MooTools Snippely!

MooTools developers Tom and Valerio have created a sweet Adobe AIR-based program to save and organize code snippets for later use. It's extremely useful and fun to use -- try it!


Solving Algebraic Equations Using Regular Expressions

Using RegEx's to solve algebraic equations is a novel idea -- I don't know if I'd use this, but I'd never seen this before.


Recent Features

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    Welcome to My New Office

    My first professional web development was at a small print shop where I sat in a windowless cubical all day. I suffered that boxed in environment for almost five years before I was able to find a remote job where I worked from home. The first...

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    An Interview with Eric Meyer

    Your early CSS books were instrumental in pushing my love for front end technologies. What was it about CSS that you fell in love with and drove you to write about it? At first blush, it was the simplicity of it as compared to the table-and-spacer...

Incredible Demos

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    CSS Custom Cursors

    Remember the Web 1.0 days where you had to customize your site in every way possible?  You abused the scrollbars in Internet Explorer, of course, but the most popular external service I can remember was CometCursor.  CometCursor let you create and use loads of custom cursors for...

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    MooTools dwCheckboxes Plugin

    Update / Fix: The checkboxes will no longer toggle when the "mouseup" event doesn't occur on a checkbox. Every morning I wake up to a bunch of emails in my Gmail inbox that I delete without reading. I end up clicking so many damn checkboxes...


  1. Thanks for the link.

  2. I was wondering if you saw that article about lists. Too funny… We should create a website sometime where every single element on the entire site is a list item, just as a mockery.

  3. That’d be hilarious. I mean no disrespect to list users — I simply don’t see the need for them.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!