Exclusive: 10 Free OSCON EU Pavilion Plus Passes!

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O'Reilly Media is holding its first OSCON in Amsterdam next week: October 26-28.  OSCON has been a big hit in the United States and it's exciting to see the conference series make its way to Europe.  There's still time to sign up for the full conference with a 20% discount using code 20DWALSH, but if you don't have the ability, myself and O'Reilly have a treat for you!

Win a Free Pavilion Pass!

O'Reilly is giving away 10 Pavilion passes.  Here's what you can do with your passes:

  • Visit the Sponsor Pavilion - Talk with OSCON exhibitors, test drive new tools, compare products, spend time with speakers and authors, and much more
  • Take part in two technical sessions. You get to choose two sessions from the full program which includes learning about microservices, Rails API's, concurrency in Python and many more.
  • Enjoy OSCON's extracurricular events like the Sponsor Pavilion Opening Reception and Ignite
  • Join in the all-important hallway track conversations. Meet, greet, and network with hundreds of like minds!

How to Win

Want to grab a Pavilion Pass for free?  In the comments section below, tell me which technical session you'd like to view and why!

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