In this episode: David kicks off by recounting a heroic (and tiring) sprint across the O'Hare airport to make his flight home from Toronto. CSS-Tricks scribe Chris Coyier joins Todd and David to discuss CSS-Tricks, CodePen, podcasting, and numerous walks down memory lane. This episode provides great advice for new developers and discusses the early days of tech blogging which experienced developers will enjoy looking back on. Enjoy!
Two years ago I documented my struggles with Imposter Syndrome and the response was immense. I received messages of support and commiseration from new web developers, veteran engineers, and even persons of all experience levels in other professions. I've even caught myself reading the post...
For maximum performance, we all know we must put our assets on CDN (another domain). Along with those assets are custom web fonts. Unfortunately custom web fonts via CDN (or any cross-domain font request) don't work in Firefox or Internet Explorer (correctly so, by spec) though...
CSS sprites are all the rage these days. And why shouldn't be? They're easy to implement, have great upside, and usually take little effort to create. Dave Shea wrote an epic CSS sprites navigation post titled CSS Sprites2 - It's JavaScript Time.
Displaying a preview image before loading a video is common practice with web media these days; oftentimes that image preview is the video's first frame or an important frame from the video. If you've visited an adult site recently (ahem), you will have noticed that not only do you get a preview image...