David Walsh on Shop Talk Show

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David Walsh Shop Talk Show

Just wanted to throw you quick heads up that I was recently a guest on Chris Coyier's Shop Talk Show podcast!  Here is the topic rundown:

David Walsh is a MooTools lover, recent Mozilla-er, and (for a final “M”), fellow original Madisonian with Chris. David has been writing at his blog The David Walsh Blog for over five years. We talk about (roughly in order):


Q & A

  • Should you use em on everything, even padding?
  • Why the huge differences between Google Analytics and StatCounter?
  • Is an direct editing through FTP based workflow still OK for “small” sites?
  • How do you fight carpal tunnel and tendonitis? (or is it RSI?)
  • What is a good example of a responsive eCommerce site? (United Pixelworkers)
  • Should you conditionally load resources for sub pages or just load everything on all pages?

Check it out if you get a chance!

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  1. Alex

    Great stuff.


    Y U NO MAKE a Prime article?!?

  2. Jesus

    I love your voice, is nice to actualy have every pieace of the person.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!