Weekend Links — CSS & Multiple Background Images, Programming Book Profits, PHP HTTP Class, MooTools 1.2, IE8’s New Meta Tag, and Domain Tasting

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Multiple Background: Oh, What a Beautiful Thing

The CSS3 spec allows for multiple background images for a selector. I've been waiting for this for soooo long. This should clear up a lot of DIVitis.


Programming Book Profits

I've often wondered how much money the authors of programming books get. I've always assumed that when you get a book published, you're officially a rock star...apparently not. jQuery's John Resig discusses his profits and clears up some misconceptions.


HTTP Class For PHP

A really easy to use class for connecting to URLs -- I look forward to playing with this one more.


9 Web Design No Nos for the Newbie

I see people making these mistakes all the time. People: read this and stop doing these things!


MooTools 1.2 Beta 2

Moo 1.2 is getting closer and closer -- sweet! Beta 2 is now out -- try it and report any issues.


Defending PHP

PHP's frequently getting hated on and we're tired of it! Jimbo defends PHP.


Opera, Mozilla and Safari React to IE's Solution for Browser Compatibility Issues

When I saw news of this new IE Meta Tag, my heart sunk. More problems, more problems, more problems -- and a lot of other think so too. Microsoft: adhere to standards and you wont run into these problems.


Google to Kill Domain Tasting

Google's implementing a new policy for AdSense which will prevent domain tasters from using Google's ad network. Thank you Google!


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  1. Thanks for the link, David.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!