How to Create a QR Code

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QR codes aren't everyone's cup of tea but I quite like them. If I see something I want to remember or check out later, especially when on the road, it's super easy to take a quick picture -- it's much easier than trying to remember a URL and much faster than typing it in on a tiny keyboard.

If you need to generate QR codes, for a client or yourself, there's a really nice JavaScript project: node-qrcode. Let's look at the different wys and output formats you can use to create a QR code!

Start by installing the library:

yarn add qrcode

Create QR Code Image Data

With the QR code utility available, you can generate a data URI for the QR code which you can use with an <img> element:

const generateQR = async text => {
  try {
    console.log(await QRCode.toDataURL(text))
  } catch (err) {



Create a QR Code in Terminal

If you want to see the QR code in the terminal via Node.js, you can do so by passing a config object:

const generateQR = async text => {
  try {
    console.log(await QRCode.toString(text, {type: 'terminal'}))
  } catch (err) {

Create a QR Code Image

You can generate a PNG, SVG, or UTF8 image for the QR code:

const generateQR = async text => {
  try {
    await QRCode.toFile('./davidwash-qr-code.png', text);
  } catch (err) {

Create a QR Code on Canvas

If you use a utility like Browserify and webpack, you can use qrcode on the client side:

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const generateQR = async text => {
  try {
    await QRCode.toCanvas(canvas, text)
  } catch (err) {


This awesome QR code library also allows you to create much more than I've shown here, including binary data and with a variety of options. If you need to create a QR code, look no further than node-qr code!

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  1. Daniel Morales Lira

    I thought you were going to show how to do it without libraries :(

  2. Any library for creating QR code in ReactJS ?

  3. root

    is it a link of a QRcode


Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!