Change Python Version

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Python plays a major role at Mozilla; much of our website backends and tooling are written in the powerful language.  Want to build Firefox?  You'll need to make sure you have the proper Python version, which I recently found out had been upgraded.

Despite installing and verifying I had the version of python I needed, the default version was still an older version and the build was failing.  I know that there are python version managers and symlinking tricks, but I wanted the easiest and most explicit possible way to set a default python version, and I did it with an entry to ~/.bash_profile:

alias python='python3'

The directive above sends python calls to python3 and thus I can specify the python version with this entry.  There are many ways to accomplish this goal but this one works great for me!

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  1. Woah awesome idea. I will also go for it. Keep sharing such ideas to bring some awareness in users. Thank you

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