Convert arguments to Array
The arguments
object thats automatically available within functions can be a source of confusion for some people; it's kind of an array but it's kinda not. JavaScript is awesome in that you can pass any number of arguments
to a function, and oftentimes developers need to iterate over every argument provided. The arguments
object doesn't have a forEach method, but using a quick JavaScript technique, you can convert arguments
to an array:
function myFn(/* any number of arguments */) {
var args =;
// or []
args.forEach(function(arg) {
// do something with args here
Much like converting a NodeList to an array, Array's slice
method takes the arguments
object and converts it to a true array, allowing for forEach, map, and traditional array iteration. Keep that trick up your sleeve for future development.
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One thing I love doing is duplicating OS functionalities. One of the things your OS allows you to do easily is move from one item to another. Most of the time you're simply trying to get to the next or the previous item.
If you’re using Firefox, or in the future when other browsers support ES6, you can do it more elegantly:
In case you are using Mootools,
does the job, isn’t it ?Why not it:
You can do that but be aware if you do something like:
Cool trick, but why even
typeof arguments
?We have a new method,