HTML5 Element Printing in Internet Explorer

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I was recently working on a website created with HTML5 elements like header, footer, section, and more, and got a rude awakening by Internet Explorer 8. I knew about the hack to ensure the elements render and style as they should on screen...

// For discussion and comments, see:
(function(){if(!/*@cc_on!@*/0)return;var e = "abbr,article,aside,audio,bb,canvas,datagrid,datalist,details,dialog,eventsource,figure,footer,header,hgroup,mark,menu,meter,nav,output,progress,section,time,video".split(',');for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++){document.createElement(e[i])}})();

..but ensuring styling during print was a whole different story. Despite the JavaScript shim above, the elements still wouldn't style correctly when I went to print. After trying a variety of solutions, my last attempt was the most successful; Modernizr's "print-shiv" extra! This shim wraps your HTML5 elements with printer-friendly elements during the onbeforeprint event, then cleans up after itself when the onafterprint event is fired. There are no special configurations to set, simply include the JavaScript file within the page. Just wanted to pass this quick tip on; head over to GitHub and download it!

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