NetTuts: Sexy Animated Tabs Using MooTools

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MooTools Tabs

I've just released my third NetTuts post: .  From the post:

One modern, attractive way of placing a lot of content into a little space is by using a tab system. This tutorial will show you how to create a sexy, animated tab system complete with CSS sprites, cookies, and animated tab swapping.

Go over to NetTuts and check it out!

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  1. Great tutorial, I know you are a moo tools guru, but it would be a cool do a j-query version of this maybe… at somepoint (fingers crossed).

  2. Alex

    Nice one David, great tutorial. really great!

  3. Hey David, sleek simple little effect :)

    What I noticed though, is when I switch off javascript it does still work however it is really slow. From click to action about 4-5 sec.

    I used Firefox 3.5.7 and switched javascript off in the browser itself, not the webdeveloper toolbar or something similar.


  4. Martin

    Hi David!

    Could you help me with this script?
    I need the possibility to “open/close” the tabs – and that all tabs are closed at the beginning when the Site loads…

    Please!!! I really need help with this!!!

    Thank you!!

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!