I’ve Finally Caved: Twitter

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I've been holding off on Twitter because I see how obsessed people get with it. Some people post every few minutes...WTF? That said, I've let my gaurd down and become a Twitterer. If you care to, you can follow me at:


I wont be twittering about just web, although that will probably be the bulk of it. You'll see my thoughts on how I find it absolutely insane the Packers chose Aaron "Out-For-The-Season-Twice-In-Three-Years-And-I've-Only-Played-In-Five-Games" Rodgers over The Legend, how great I am at soccer, and how furious I get when failing GTAIV missions.

Anyways, follow at will!

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  1. Hmm to follow with my site’s account, or my personal account… Maybe you’ll end up with two extra followers if I can’t make up my mind.

  2. Well it’s about time you came in from the dark!!! First Twitter and now jQuery. Oh my! Can the Internet hold up?!?! ;)

  3. @Ray: Hey man, I even tried to install Ubuntu the other day. I’m branching out, trying new things. That said, Moooooo!


  4. Rich

    I have on twitter for a while and have to say i started with following a bunch of people and it does get ridiculous, random twits are aggravating, but I guess to each his own; now I’m down to following 12 people and about 120 followers…but I read your blog all the time and have to say you will be the next follow.

  5. Buzzlair

    I dont follow much people on twitter so does people dont follow me much on twitter. But having a great people in your list is better than have crap and maggot inside in your list. And for sure David is a great person to follow. Gimme five!

  6. Matt

    It’s sad to see people writing random bullshit every 5 minutes

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