Recent Features
Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer
Regardless of your stance on pornography, it would be impossible to deny the massive impact the adult website industry has had on pushing the web forward. From pushing the browser's video limits to pushing ads through WebSocket so ad blockers don't detect them, you have...
Vibration API
Many of the new APIs provided to us by browser vendors are more targeted toward the mobile user than the desktop user. One of those simple APIs the Vibration API. The Vibration API allows developers to direct the device, using JavaScript, to vibrate in...
Incredible Demos
CSS Counters
Counters. They were a staple of the Geocities / early web scene that many of us "older" developers grew up with; a feature then, the butt of web jokes now. CSS has implemented its own type of counter, one more sane and straight-forward than the ole...
iPhone-Style Passwords Using MooTools PassShark
Every once in a while I come across a plugin that blows me out of the water and the most recent culprit is PassShark: a MooTools plugin that duplicates the iPhone's method of showing/hiding the last character in a password field. This gem of...