Recent Features
JavaScript Promise API
While synchronous code is easier to follow and debug, async is generally better for performance and flexibility. Why "hold up the show" when you can trigger numerous requests at once and then handle them when each is ready? Promises are becoming a big part of the JavaScript world...
Detect DOM Node Insertions with JavaScript and CSS Animations
I work with an awesome cast of developers at Mozilla, and one of them in Daniel Buchner. Daniel's shared with me an awesome strategy for detecting when nodes have been injected into a parent node without using the deprecated DOM Events API.
Incredible Demos
Use Custom Missing Image Graphics Using MooTools
Missing images on your website can make you or your business look completely amateur. Unfortunately sometimes an image gets deleted or corrupted without your knowledge. You'd agree with me that IE's default "red x" icon looks awful, so why not use your own missing image graphic? The MooTools JavaScript Note that...
Create Your Own Dijit CSS Theme with LESS CSS
The Dojo Toolkit seems to just get better and better. One of the new additions in Dojo 1.6 was the use of LESS CSS to create Dijit themes. The move to using LESS is a brilliant one because it makes creating your own Dijit theme...