Recent Features
How to Create a Twitter Card
One of my favorite social APIs was the Open Graph API adopted by Facebook. Adding just a few META tags to each page allowed links to my article to be styled and presented the way I wanted them to, giving me a bit of control...
5 HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed
When you say or read "HTML5", you half expect exotic dancers and unicorns to walk into the room to the tune of "I'm Sexy and I Know It." Can you blame us though? We watched the fundamental APIs stagnate for so long that a basic feature...
Incredible Demos
DWRequest: MooTools 1.2 AJAX Listener & Message Display
Though MooTools 1.2 is in its second beta stage, its basic syntax and theory changes have been hashed out. The JavaScript library continues to improve and become more flexible. Fellow DZone Zone Leader Boyan Kostadinov wrote a very useful article detailing how you can add a...
Web Audio API
The Web Audio API allows developers to load and decode audio on demand using JavaScript. The more I evaluate awesome games for Firefox OS TVs, the more I get to learn about these APIs that I normally wouldn't touch. The following is a very basic introduction to the WebAudio API...