Use a Submit Button Outside of a Form!

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Have you ever felt like you've been a professional developer or designer forever, and somehow not known something basic, and borderline hate yourself? That's me with a trick that was introduced to me by Miguel Piedrafita:

To submit a form when the button isn't a child of the parent form, you can use the form attribute:

<form id="myForm">
    <label for="email">Email:</label>
    <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" />

<!-- Submit button not in parent form! -->
<button type="submit" form="myForm">Submit!</button>

I'm ashamed I didn't know about this form attribute. In that past I've executed CSS magic tricks to accomplish buttons displaying outside of their form area. Did you know about this attribute?!

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  1. I had never heard about it. In 20 years as a web developer.
    That’s why it’s so exciting, even the most “basic” language as html ;)
    So… thanks I guess.

  2. 7nz

    Never heard that attribute,Thanks

  3. You can do the same thing with inputs. Just add the form attribute!

    I do this to place inputs across several cards. :)

  4. Thomas M

    Holimoli, hours of working out in JS why FF does not allow submit events anymore. Then a pur HTML solution! 22 Years webdev, you never stop learning the basics. Many Thanks!

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