Set a Default Push Remote with git

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During my early days of git usage, my config allowed me to simply type git push instead of git push {origin} {branch_name} which I need to now.  Up until recently I needed to type out the long version...(I know)...which was incredibly annoying because I like using detailed branch names.

I'd finally had enough of the copy and paste branch name madness and decided I wanted git push to always push to my origin and the same branch name:

git config --global push.default current

There are a number of push.default values you can use but in most cases, especially when you have a GitHub workflow, current is likely the value you want to use.  Also, since we're using --global, this will be the default for all repositories!

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  1. Toby Griffiths

    Thanks for sharing, David. That’ll save me considerable time.

  2. Love this one ! Thank you for sharing.

    For anyone who doesn’t want to set it local, you can also do git push origin –set-upstream per your local branches:

  3. How do you set the default for pull? For an open source fork I have, I want git pull to default to git pull upstream special-dev-branch?

  4. Stephen Boesch

    I’d second Devin Rhode’s question

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