Allow HTTP Push with Mercurial Server

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I have always loved git but my present work at Mozilla requires me to use mercurial.  If you weren't already aware, Firefox code is managed through mercurial!  I was recently tasked with standing up a mercurial server within a docker container and ran into an issue:  mercurial rejected pushes to the local docker container via HTTP.  Since HTTPS wasn't configured for the docker container locally, I needed to figure out how to get mercurial to allow HTTP pushes.

To allow HTTP pushes to a mercurial repo, modify the mercurial server's hgweb.conf configuration file to include:

allow_push = *
push_ssl = false

This configuration will allow you to push to your mercurial repository without SSL.  If you don't run your mercurial server with a specific hgweb.conf now, you can run mercurial server with a special config via:

exec hg serve --web-conf path/to/hgweb.conf

HTTPS is the way to go these days but for local development it shouldn't be a requirement.  I hope this helps someone!

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  1. Josh

    This is useful.
    With the impending BitBucket deletion of mercurial repos I’m looking to migrate to a private server on my intranet.
    I’d like to stand up a docker container for this, but struggling to find an official container. What did you use?

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