O’Reilly Velocity Conference – Santa Clara Giveaway!

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O'Reilly Velocity Conference in Santa Clara is right around the bend:  June 20-23, 2016.  Velocity is boasting an awesome lineup of speakers covering several different topics.  Learn to build websites, apps, and services that are fast, scalable, resilient, and highly available!

Velocity 2016

Velocity is my favorite of the O'Reilly Conference series because speed optimization is fun, creative, and has huge payoff for users on desktop and mobile devices!

Bronze Pass Giveaway

My friends at O'Reilly are letting me give away one free Bronze Pass to Velocity Santa Clara.  Want to win?  In the comment section below, share your favorite performance tip.  Bonus points for code samples!

20% Off Discount

If you want to sign up today, you click here and use code PC20DWALSH!

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  1. Send Link preload headers for your CSS, JS, Fonts, and other assets so that the browser can get a head start on loading them. Bonus: If you use CloudFlare, or another CDN that supports it, the assets will be pushed via HTTP2 Server Push.

    Sample .htaccess code from my blog: https://gist.github.com/adamzr/0c4e14999263aa4854b91f9245e16de8

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!