Get Git Branches Checked Out on a Date

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I don't use any type of git UI -- I try to be hardcore and stick to the command line.  This makes git usage quicker but I also probably miss out on a lot of the functionality that would be nice to know.  The functionality is there, of course, but without a nice icon or menu item you don't really think about it.

I was browsing CommandLineFu and found a nice git snippet which provides you a listing of branches checked out on a given date:

git reflog --date=local | grep "Sep 10 .* checkout: moving from .* to" | grep -o "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*$" | sort | uniq

I love this snippet because I often forget recently created branch names (...grow up and delete old branches, David!), especially when leaving work for the weekend.  Handy!

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  1. That was really helpful. I created a script “branches by date” to make it easier to use, I hope that someone will find it useful.

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