Prevent Chrome from Translating a Page

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A while back I shared my favorite Google Chrome extension:  Google Art Project.  I've enjoyed seeing beautiful art when I open a new tab -- it's brought genuine happiness to my day, however small that happiness may be.  About a week ago, however, the art presented had a non-English name and so the Chrome "translate" bar dropped down every time I opened a new tab.  And since the artwork rotates daily, Chrome was super slow that day. It made me ask:  is there a way to prevent the translate bar from displaying? The answer is yes!

The answer comes in the form of a <meta> tag:

<meta name="google" value="notranslate">

I wish the Google Art Project developers would implement this tag so I could get a new tab opened without delay when the artwork has a non-English title.  It is also handy that developers can prevent the toolbar from displaying on their sites -- not that I can think of why.  Anyways, thought I'd share this with you.

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  1. I also wish the Google Art Project Developers would implement this in their Google chrome to speed up things. Thanks for sharing.

  2. One of the things I nag browser makers on is documentation. I was curious to see if this was officially documented and it looks like it is:

    There were some other interesting notes on that page too.

  3. Oumar FALL

    I whish this snippet be in HTML5 Boilerplate :)

  4. You can use a userscript that adds this meta.

  5. Google Chrome will also translate iframes on a page that contains content not in the browser default language.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!