Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Unboxing

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Any time you get a new device it's like instant Christmas.  Whether it's top of the line or bottom of the barrel, we're always excited to check out unique devices to see what we can learn, check out what apps are popular, and test the websites we work on.  My latest devices is a Geeksphone Peak.  The following are images from my joyous unboxing.

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 1

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 2

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 3

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 4

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 5

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 6

Geeksphone Peak Firefox OS Phone 7

I look forward to dabbling with this developer device much as I did the Keon.  Firefox OS is making major strides in countries around the world and I continue to be amazed at the work rate of the team at Mozilla!

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  1. Where did you found new Peak? Isn’t this device discontinued or they are still providing it Mozilla employees?

  2. When I got my developer preview of the Keon I messed around with it for days. Ah, I fish I still got free stuff like that :(

  3. Wait for reboots in 1.4+ versions and the battery to inflate…

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