April Fools! Change Your PHP Pages to ASP…Or Not

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I don't know a lot of PHP developers that think very much of ASP. This, of course, sets the stage for a great April fools trick: we're going to change all of the links on our website from ".php" to ".asp" and see how many coworkers we can confuse the hell out of. Granted, most developers with a just few years of experience would figure out the method within a few minutes, but you can probably get the noob with this one.

Step One - Change the Links

<!-- FROM -->
<a href="/some-page.php">Click here</a>

<!-- TO -->
<a href="/some-page.asp">Click here</a>

Step Two - The .htaccess Code

AddType application/x-httpd-php .asp

Have fun and trick some people today!

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