Follow MooTools on GitHub!

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We always look to follow projects on Twitter, follow people via thee RSS feed, and so on, but how about following the progress of a project on GitHub? You know, the place where the code actually lives? Here are the GitHub accounts for MooTools contributors and developers so that you can follow them.

Following GitHub is a great way to have the inside track (not trac) on upcoming MooTools and open source project updates. You can also see what Moo developers are working on when they aren't knee deep in JavaScript!

Recent Features

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    5 Ways that CSS and JavaScript Interact That You May Not Know About

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Incredible Demos

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    CSS Vertical Centering

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    Web Audio API

    The Web Audio API allows developers to load and decode audio on demand using JavaScript.  The more I evaluate awesome games for Firefox OS TVs, the more I get to learn about these APIs that I normally wouldn't touch.  The following is a very basic introduction to the WebAudio API...


  1. MooTools rocks!

  2. +respect for David

    It’s one thing to love something and another thing to actually contribute to it. Anyone can be a passionate for any product or framework but you put your money in your mouth when you actually help better it.

    I’ve also seen some of David’s MooTools blog posts mentioned in other blogs. David really is an asset to the MooTools community.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!