A Web Developer’s Life in FoxTrot

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My girlfriend knows that I make websites but not a whole lot more about how I spend so much of my time. She at least knows the basics:

  • Calling me a "webmaster" is the biggest insult you can hurl at me.
  • I'm a MooTools fanatic.
  • I have little design skill but mad programming skill.

That's why I was shocked when she found my life in a FoxTrot comic! Here it is:


It's as if Bill Amend was in my head. Anyone else feel this way sometimes too?

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  1. It’s so true it’s frightening…

  2. so true so hillarious.

  3. Absolutely true, it’s like looking in a mirror.

  4. You should see the follow up strip. It’s even better. (Btw, that’s quite an old strip. I am surprised you see it now.)

  5. I feel like that just a little too often…

  6. Please add that calling you an evangelist insults you, too :D

  7. Eeek. Yeah, that’s about right ;)

  8. I got my degree in design while learning web development on my own, which eventually evolved into my job now, so I think I have a pretty good balance but I definitely do have to fight off the design-skipping urge sometimes.

  9. Lol this is great! That was me 2 years ago! Then i realized that the design is actually !important :)

  10. Hilarious.
    Spot on.

    Someone is talking about a follow up strip.
    Must….. ……see…… …….now!

  11. ROFL

  12. ha, so true
    everything i’ve done that ends up looking good it’s because i copied modified the design from something else

  13. haha. its funny.
    thanks man. i bookmarked the website.
    i found some other interesting stuff too.

  14. I was literally just thinking about how great my Javascript web framework is when that image popped up! It didn’t even seem to load..

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