Weekend Links – JavaScript Favelets, Prototype Cheat Sheet, Reverse IP Domain Check, Resizable Images, ICANN Domain Tasting

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The Power of JavaScript Favelets

I use the PHP.net favelet that prompts for a function name and takes you to the PHP.net API page. They save a lot of time and don't clutter your Firefox menu bar.


Prototype.js Cheat Sheet PDF

Downloading this PDF is a must for Prototype framework programmers.


Reverse IP Domain Check

Who else is hosted on your shared server? Go here, enter your domain, and find out!


Resizable Images

CSS Tricks shows you how to make your images resize with the text...and still look good.


Google Leads, ICANN Follows: Domain Tasters Can Now Eat Dirt

ICANN, who should have taken the first step against domain tasting, has decided to keep the ICANN fee for all domains so to try to prevent tasting.


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Incredible Demos


  1. Thanks for reading my article. And a PHP.net favelet is really a good idea!

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!