Aggravation of a Blogger

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I enjoy blogging quite a bit. Blogging lets me pass on some of the knowledge I've accrued over the past years as well as allows me to get feedback on my ideas from readers. I've probably learned more in the last four months of blogging than I have on my own in quite a while. To all of my readers, I'm quite thankful.

There's really only one aspect of blogging that burns me to no end and that's when other bloggers copy my blog posts, word for word. No citations or requests for permission--simply word for word copying. Over the last months, I've had to ask dozens of other bloggers to remove MY posts from THEIR blog. Use my code, use my theories, but don't take articles that I've worked hard on; have some integrity!

The latest blog to steal my content is at:

Hopefully I'll have better luck in the new year. Happy holidays to all of you!

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  1. Bah
    it sucks to get copied without any thanks or source.. :/

    but keep it up
    >>To all of my readers, I’m quite thankful.

    you are very welcome :)

  2. I wrote in his comments and asked to him remove it…

    Keep up the good work.

  3. Thank you for that Mark. I commented a few days back to do so and the person still hasn’t removed my article. I’m not too upset about it — just frustrated.

    Hopefully better luck in the new year!

  4. rakesh juyal

    But walsh, how did u got to know that someone copied your blog spot?
    I mean how a blogger can identify that one of his several post is copied by some other blogger!

  5. rakesh juyal

    ^ sorry for typo @ above


Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!