CSS Tutorials

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    Shoelace 2.0: A Forward-thinking Library of Web Components

    A few years ago, I released a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap affectionately named Shoelace. Shoelace was small and fast because of its minimal design and pure CSS approach to styling. It used CSS custom properties extensively to enable customizations, even when loaded via...

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    Remove the Search Input Clear(x) Icon

    I really appreciate the amount of different <input> elements we've received over the past decade. These elements don't just bring a new semantic advantage, but also provide UI helpers, which in many cases are useful. In a recent case, I found a UI element...

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    CSS background-repeat: round

    The CSS spec is full of gems that sneak their way past most of us web designers and developers. Stuff like :focus-within, prefers-reduced-motion, and prefers-color-scheme suddenly make their way into CSS without us really finding out for months or years. One such...

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    Offscreen Text for Copy &#038; Paste

    The relationship between HTML and CSS is special: mixing content via HTML with presentation from CSS to make an awesome presentation. Sometimes, however, you need to employ CSS tricks solely to enhance functionality. This could be one of those cases.When browsing through the Firefox...

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    How to Display Mode-Specific Images

    Now that we have most of the basics of HTML and CSS in the browser, we've begun implementing new features that I would consider "quality of life" improvements, many of which have been inspired by mobile. One great example is the CSS prefers-color-scheme media...

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    How to Create a CSS-Tricks Custom Scrollbar

    Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks is an amazing engineer and blogger. He's not only creative but has always had the drive to put his thoughts to work, no matter how large. He also has a good eye for the little things that can make CSS-Tricks or...

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    Hex Opacity Table

    We've used hex colors for years but 8-digit hexadecimal is still relatively new. While rgba is simple to understand, 8-digit hex is more difficult, as you need to provide a hex representation of a numeric value.The following is a hexadecimal chart of opacity!.hex-opacity-table {...

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    CSS prefers-reduced-motion Media Query

    When I started in the web development industry, media queries were limited -- screen and print were the two media queries I was most often using. More than a decade later, media queries have advanced to various screen units, feature checking, and even color...

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    CSS Gradient Text

    Web developers know the fight we’ve all had to improve fonts on the web. Whether it be load time, odd strategies for using custom fonts (Cufon, anyone?), or just finding the right font itself, beautifying text on the web has never come easy.That got...

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    CSS :focus-within

    Using :hover to display additional information or elements is a very useful technique but a big drawback to using the hover pseudo-class is that they are usually not accessibility-friendly. Not everyone uses a mouse and some users have visual impairments, so they rely on screen...