Organized, Short Folder Structure Using mod_rewrite

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I tend to be over-organized when I create the folder structure of my customers' websites. I like using descriptive file and folder names for a number of reasons:

  • Search engine friendly URLS and image names (for image searches)
  • Descriptive file names give users a "preview" of the linked page in the status bar (if the anchor text isn't descriptive enough or the link is an image)
  • I want to be able to tell what a file is when I see the file name

One problem with my method is that long folder names can be annoying to type and can bloat your pages resulting in ugly load times. I use the power of mod_rewrite to shorten paths to files I reference most, image files.





The mod_rewrite .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^gis/(.*)$ /graphics/icons/small/$1 [L]

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  1. Very slick :)

  2. Okay very interesting. How would that apply if your directory structure was set out like this?



    As you can see the 3rd subfolder changes and could be anything.

    What if I wanted it to look like.


    Using the method you mentioned how would it work?


    • efwf

      hahaha melllttttttttt , no one likes you !

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