Create Your Own Custom JavaScript Dollar Function To Select An Element

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The "dollar" function has become famous in recent years due to its inception in many popular JavaScript frameworks. MooTools, for example, uses the dollar function to select a single element from the DOM. This functionality is extremely helpful as it allows you to keep your code extremely short and readable, not to mention document.getElementById(''); can get annoying quickly.

The Code

function $(id)
	return document.getElementById(id);

You don't need to use a JavaScript framework to compact your code. If you frequently select unique DOM elements, you should create a dollar function for the sake of yourself and your users.

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  1. To cut the number of getElementById() calls in half, you could just do:

    function $(id) {
         return document.getElementById(id);
  2. Hi, lets make it smaller ^^

    function $(i) { return document.getElementById(i); }
  3. Can you just do:

    var $ = document.getElementById;

    ? I didn’t test this.

  4. Paul

    This function returns null and does not work when I do $('x').style.background='orange';

  5. Brandon
    function $(e)
     if(e.substring(0,1) == '#')
      return document.getElementById(e.substring(1));
      return document.getElementByClass(e.substring(1));

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!