Creating Git Aliases
I create shortcuts for everything. I create variables which act as text shortcuts, shortcuts in TextMate to generate CSS/JS/HTML, and bash scripts so I don't have to type in the same commands over and over again. So why should version control software be any different? I commit and push religiously so I create Git aliases to save myself a few keystrokes.
Sample Aliases
#make "com" alias for "commit" git config commit #make "co" alias for checkout git config checkout #make "br" alias for branch git config branch # When you want to see just the differences of one function in one file in two different commits git config alias.funcdiff '!sh -c "git show \"\$1:\$3\" | sed -n \"/^[^ \t].*\$4(/,/^}/p\" > .tmp1 && git show \"\$2:\$3\" | sed -n \"/^[^ \t].*\$4(/,/^}/p\" > .tmp2 && git diff --no-index .tmp1 .tmp2"' -
These are just some sample Git aliases. You can view more detailed (and by detailed I mean brain-numbing) examples of git aliases at the Git Wiki.
Nice! I use
for commit though, more like Subversion. I also havedi
for diff,st
for status andsta
for stash.I’m trying to get the funcdiff alias created. When I try to call it with something like:
git funcdiff “rel\path\to\file” functionName
git funcdiff HEAD~2 HEAD “rel\path\to\file” functionName
both give me an error like:
fatal: Path ‘funcitonName’ does not exist in ‘sha1-2’.
fatal: Invalid object name ‘rel\path\to\file’.
I’ve Googled everywhere for anyone using this alias to see a sample syntax, but no one has one. Have you used it successfully?
You can make aliases for branch name, too. For example:
git symbolic-ref head HEAD
Dan, command
git symbolic-ref head HEAD
ruins git repo in windows. Because it overwrites “HEAD” with “head” in “.git” directory
For ones, that tried this: just rename the file back
Very useful, thanks!
Thanks for the commands,
I need to know how to create an alias for paths.
For example if I need to write “git push PATH” instead of “git push gitolite@codex…”