Weekend Links – Windows & PHP, Vista-Style CSS Toolbar, Facebook Applications, CSS/DOM File Inputs, Browser History

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In between two Brewer games we get weekend links!

Perverting Windows With PHP

Awesome article detailing how you can write Windows executables using PHP. I see this as a great idea. If you can use a web language to do functions on the desktop, do it!

How To Create A Vista-Style Toolbar With CSS

I don't know someone would want to do this, but it is an impressive article.

Facebook - Fruit Flies For Applications

An article covering the various advantages to deploying a web application to Facebook. "It provides an environment where a developer can quickly implement a new application and launch it to 30 millips prospective users."

Styling File Inputs With CSS And The DOM

File inputs are as ugly as they come. You get almost no control of the input naturally, so using JavaScript and CSS is the best way to gain back the control.

How To Build A Cross-Browser History Management System

A project like this is an absolute beast when taking into account cross-browser needs. Provides a great chart for the browsers and the functionality provided.

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Incredible Demos


    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!