Weekend Links – PHP on Java, PHP Tree Structures, jEdit for PHP, Slow Coding, Developing For Facebook

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Links to give others life.

Five Hours For One Line of Code

Ever have one of these days? I don't know if I've ever spent five hours for one line, but I'm sure I've come close.

Top Five Reasons Building on the Facebook Platform is Foolish

NameStrategy provides five compelling reasons not to develop your web application for Facebook. Check it out.

Convert Anything to Tree Structures in PHP

Looking to make tree-like array structures to handle your PHP code? Grab the code from this article.
http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/convert_anything_to_tree _structures_in_php/

PHP on Java: Best of Both Worlds

Big news going around that PHP will be placed on the Java architecture. I think this is great -- I love both languages and think they can benefit from each other.

My Editor of Choice

Brian Moon blogs on his PHP editor of choice -- jEdit. I use jEdit for ALL of my text-editing needs and it's a great tool. Head over to jedit.org to download it.

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!