Weekend Links: MooTools AJAX, Prototype 1.6, PHP Tips, SWFUpload, Accessibility, CSS Layouts

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Another great week of programming, blogging, and events has gone past. Here are some of the highlights of the week:

AJAX Responders In MooTools

Great article / how to by MooTools legend Harald Kirschner (digitarald) on AJAX Responders in MooTools.

Prototype 1.6 Release Candidate Released

I've got love for the other frameworks too! Prototype 1.6 RC was released and it includes what they describe as a complete event overhaul. Nice work Sam and team.

10 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About PHP

I knew about most of these but if you're a PHP Programmer this article is worth the read.


SWFUpload is awesome. Use some JavaScript/Flash functionality to do AJAX-like file uploads -- no more ugly browser inputs or page refreshes! (You could also checkout a MooTools equivalent)

When Accessibility Is Not Your Problem

Unfortunately, "all the time" isn't the answer.

CSS Layouts: The Fixed. The Fluid. The Elastic

Read up on the three main philosophies and practices of CSS layouts. I prefer the fixed.

Recent Features

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!